Book Series & Journal

Urban and Landscape Perspectives - Springer

Series Editor: Giovanni Maciocco 

Aims and Scope
The Urban and Landscape Perspectives series aims at nurturing theoretic reflection on the city and territory and devising and applying methods and techniques for improving our physical and social landscapes.
The main themes of the series are developed around the projectual dimension, with the objective of visualizing both the city and the territory from a particular viewpoint, which singles out the territorial dimension as the city’s space of communication and negotiation.
The series examines emerging problems that characterize the dynamics of city development, like the new fresh relations between urban societies and physical space, the right to the city, urban equality, the project for the physical city as a means to reveal civitas, signs of new social cohesiveness, the sense of contemporary public space and the sustainability of urban development.
Concerned with advancing theories on the city, the series resolves to welcome articles that feature a pluralism of disciplinary contribution studying formal and informal practices on the project for the city and seeking conceptual and operative categories capable of understanding and facing the problems inherent in the profound transformation of contemporary urban landscapes.

Metodi del Territorio - Franco Angeli Edizioni 

Series Editor: Giovanni Maciocco

Editorial Board: Michael Batty, Dino Borri, Arnaldo Cecchini, Xavier Costa, Francesco Indovina, Carlo Olmo, Pier Carlo Palermo, Nuno Portas, Bernardo Secchi, Thomas Sieverts, Ray Wyatt.

Editorial Committee: Paola Pittaluga, Gianfranco Sanna, Silvia Serreli, Francesco Spanedda

Publishing Assistants: Samanta Bartocci, Laura Lutzoni, Michele Valentino

Aims and Scope
Methods for the Territory is an expression that indicates almost the belonging of methods to the territory, methods for the city project, that take the territory on as a centre of reasoning, methods that explore the territory as a field of potentialities for the renewal of urban life. The environmental dimension reminds us also that the city is of the territory due to the environmental interdependence that characterises its relations and are at the basis of the environmental quality of urban life. The territory is no longer the set of conditions external to the city, for the context has become an internal horizon of the city. We may therefore say that the city coincides with the territory; it is its contextual universe.
Precisely for this reason, it is not a matter of creating separation between urban morphologies, but of trying to see the city in all the different spatial forms in which the contemporary urban condition is expressed, exploring the conditions of territoriality that will necessarily be incorporated in the city. Understood in this sense, the territory indicates inclination towards the project for settlement. Territory meant as a place of recognition of the spatial differences of the urban, the place of retrieval of the ethos, of all that which was not at the centre, not in the polis; the deep matrix of the primary elements of inhabiting.
In this perspective, the project for space may be imagined as a complex process towards understanding contemporary public space, a process that by adopting a cognitive conception of the project favours a shared background in which all the inhabitants of a territory have a voice to construct a true city. In this sense the project for the territory is the project for the city.

City, Territory and Architecture - Springer

Editor in Chief: Giovanni Maciocco

Editorial Board: Michael Batty, Dino Borri, Arnaldo Cecchini, Beatriz Colomina, Xavier Costa, Teddy Cruz, Mike Davis, John Forester, Francesco Indovina, Diane Lewis, Harvey Molotch, Piercarlo Palermo, Antoine Picon, Bernardo Secchi, Thomas Sieverts, Edward Soja, Michael Sorkin, Frederick Steiner, Silvano Tagliagambe, Ray Wyatt, 

Associate Editors: Antonello Marotta, Paola Pittaluga, Gianfranco Sanna, Silvia Serreli, Francesco Spanedda

Assistant Editors: Marco Calaresu, Laura Lutzoni e Michele Valentino

Aims and Scope
With its focus on the pluralism of positions and project perspectives regarding the city, territory and architecture, this journal aims to open up an interdisciplinary debate on the relational nature of projects for spaces where people settle and interrelate.
A comparison between various scientific fields is therefore encouraged, also involving knowledge that was previously to some extent implicit or neglected by urban projects, but that has gradually increased in importance and sometimes become essential for exploring new ways of conceiving of urban space in the contemporary society.
The City, Territory and Architecture journal (CTA) is dedicated to sharing scientific (theoretical and applied) knowledge and positions on spaces of city and territory. Its primary goal is to explore the conceptual and physical relations between city, territory and architecture.